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Janee's Online Photoshop Classes

Starting with a Blank Canvas

If you've been through an introductory course already, or if you have had several months of time to work with and experiment with the program, you will probably be ready for Photos into Artwork or Starting with a Blank Canvas.

After you've had Blank Canvas, you are eligible to sign up for Photoshop: Photorealistic Painting. You cannot take these two concurrently. That would drive even the most assiduous student crazy, and I don't want my students to be assiduous... err.. I mean crazy!

Photoshop CS - CS2: Starting with a Blank Canvas

Oh, that dreaded blank canvas! Even if you don't think you are an artist, we'll show you how to create art from nothing, using Photoshop. In this class, you will learn how to find inspiration in the shapes and colors around you to create art - YOUR art! Doing good art takes just three things, and each is something you can learn:

  • Careful observation of your world
  • Persistence and patience
  • Courage

But with so much great art out there already, why is it important for you to learn to do art? Well, here it is: No one else has your vision. No one else can do your art! So if you don't do it, no one else will. Maybe it will be great. Maybe it will be just fun. Whatever the case, it will be yours.

I'll give you some jumping-off points in this course -- techniques and ideas you can run with to create your own art. Here are some of them:

  • Choosing Colors
  • Shape Collage
  • Shapes, Custom Shapes, Lines
  • Creating and working with Patterns
  • Amazing Gradients
  • Fingerpainting in Photoshop
  • Creating natural textures in unnatural ways
  • Tubes, wires, balls, & boxes
  • Using the Pen tool for shape creation
  • Snowflakes and Mandalas
  • Using Brushes
  • Introduction to Photorealism


  • A registered copy of Photoshop in version CS or above
  • Familiarity with your computer's operating system
  • Photoshop Launchpad A - C, a 12-week Introduction to Photoshop class, or equivalent experience with Photoshop
  • Willingness and ability to work online with other students


PeterM: I’ve completed your Launchpad A, B, and C courses and they were fantastic. But this really was the ‘bee’s knees!’ I’ve learnt so many new techniques; I’m going to be kept busy for a very long time trying them out. Your final lessons in particular – there’s probably an infinite number of possibilities to create new images. Every new project can give new, exciting results.

I love graphics – so this course was perfect. I was looking forward to all the lessons, but the description of each one seemed to suggest the next lesson would be even better than the previous. And they were!

Tigrina: it was inspiring! I loved it! I learned many new and useful techniques that can be applied in so many ways to create designs in Photoshop.

Swanmaid: I have learned so much from this course and have definitely expanded my graphics ability by leaps and bounds.

Big Al: Thanks for being a great teacher. Class was excellent!

JudyMac: The total class structure is geared for self-paced learning. You can accomplish as much or as little as you wish. Many times I look other places for additional information, or further applications for the lessons. The classes motivate your learning. Many times I “google” for something, only to pull up your tutorials!!! I like the structure of your class.

Shirleym: I most especially enjoyed all the helpful critiques.  Your staff are not just rubber stamps; they gave me much needed recommendations on how to do better.

Susacon: Photoshop offers so many different ways to accomplish the same or similar results, the many opportunities to learn from everyone else's trials & errors is one of the many very best things about this class.

Beth W: Loved it all but the way you taught us to use the pen tool actually opened up the greatest area of creativity.

Mirrordrum: i love your courses. i really do. shadows i could do without but i thoroughly enjoy the way you teach and am, as an ex-professor, deeply, deeply, deeply appreciative of the work you put into the courses. it's amazing on so many levels.

SHobson: It is not a “do as I do” course, but rather an individual journey for each person. I liked best the fact that it was so stimulating. I was surprised at the depth in each lesson. Who knew you could do so much with gradients, for instance.

CarolV: The critiques were the best. Very thorough. I like that. Not just “oh, beautiful.” though that is nice. But both teachers added useful comments. I want to learn so these are helpful. Online learning is my only method!

Susa: I have gained so much from this class and I thank everyone! Janee, for the huge amount of time and effort put into developing the materials, and maintaining the site, and responding to all our whines and questions, and for being so encouraging; Joanne, for answers, support, constructive comments, and for being so encouraging; to everyone in the class for taking the time to share the struggles, and to read and look and add comments, complements and always helpful criticism; and especially for the inspiration and pleasure of looking at all the incredible artwork. I can't tell you how sincerely I appreciate it, or how much I'm looking forward to the next classes. I hope to see you all again soon!

Maureen: The fact that the class wasn't a lightweight class was one of the most important aspects for me!!!

David: Let me congratulate you; I have tried to learn the Pen Tool at least half a dozen times since I first purchased photoshop 6.0, then 7.0, and now CS. I did NOT love the experience. Since starting this course, I have truly enjoyed working with the Pen Tool and Custom Shapes and.. and.... It's just SOOO fun!! Thank you for this. :)

Shirley: This course was definitely stimulating to me, both intellectually and creatively. Allot of the course was techniques I had not tried before this class, so I was challenged to learn something new. Allowing us to add our own personal "flair" gave us the opportunity to stretch our creative wings and get inspiration from our fellow students.

Getting the feedback, from both you and the other students, is what separates and sets this apart. Being able to work at our own pace, in the privacy and comfort of our own homes is a big plus.

Mike: Here is my only criticism...the course should last longer. :} Seriously, the quality of all the lessons is outstanding. You were able to teach us some valuable techniques while enabling us to have a good time using them. The assignments were open enough that we could challenge ourselves to go to any limits we wanted instead of just following cookie-cutter recipes for effects (side note - have recently explored the Adobe Studio Exchange site and downloaded a few actions for some effects. They worked, but I felt like it was cheating after having the challenge of working through nuts and bolts of your lessons...I like your tutes much better!)

Your site may have been my first inspiration for getting involved in PS and these two courses have enabled me to use these skills to make some images I'm truly proud of.

Meryl: I really had to be persuaded to sign up for this class, but I'm just so, so glad I did! It made me try things I hadn't though of trying, learn things I'd been meaning to get around to learning. Janee's instructions left no gaps, they were always clear. Thank you Janee for persuading me!

Terry F: Loved this class! Hope you have another class planned for fall; I'll suffer from withdrawal otherwise. Message Board

All material in this site is ©2001-2006 by Graphic Creations. No part of it may be used without my written permission. If you have questions or comments about this site or its construction, contact Janee at Graphic Creations, 7193 W Gifford Rd, Bloomington, Indiana, USA 47403 or by email..