How Do I Register for the Message Board?
I'm having you register your nickname on the Community Message Board, because that's where we're going to be holding our class discussions. This is where you'll turn in your assignments, and where Joanne and I will leave our teacherly remarks for you.
1. Go to the Board.
To register, begin by clicking this link. This is the link to the Classrooms section of the Message Board:
Yikes! It tells you that you cannot get in because you've not registered, and the message isn't very nice about it, either.
2. Click Register
If you have not yet registered, you need to do that. Right under the logo, it says Welcome Guest
[Log In :: Register]
Click Register if you've not yet registered.
You'll get a registration screen that looks like mine below. Fill in all the fields. Be sure that you give a real email address. This will not be known to anyone but the Administrators, Moderators, and Knights of the Board, so don't panic. If you've already registered under a different name, you have to use a different email address for each new registration.
Check I agree to the very reasonable Terms. Of course, read these first.
Now you'll get a tiny message with a dire threat but telling you how to proceed to log in... and that you don't have to wait for an email.
Click "Proceed to log in."
On the Login screen, you'll be asked for your Login Name and Password. Remember that both your Login Name and Password are case-sensitive. That is, my name, EagerStudent, cannot be entered as eagerstudent. |
NOW you can go to the Classroom forums or to any of the other forums in the Board! The Classroom Forums are at the bottom of the listing.
(While you are now able to post at any of the non-Classroom forums, you will be able to post in your Classroom forum only after you get the Classroom password from me. This will come to you via email on the Monday before you get the first lesson.)
Once you've registered, if you're signing up for a class, head on over to PayPal and zap me your payment. Be sure that you get it to the right account, by either using the button to the right, or checking the email account carefully. (There are 2 e's in myJanee!)
In your PayPal note, tell me
- what class
- what's your Board nickname
- how happy you are to be in this class!
Be very sure that the email address you give PayPal is ready to accept email from either of my email addresses
Provided your email address is good, you'll hear from me and you'll be registered!