My Day

New Images Added to Galleries

Today I worked hard to bring some of my art pieces into my galleries. Some of these I made for books or magazines, and I had them stored on CD’s. I’ll post a few here. Please click to see these at full-size.

The first is one I did in honor of my Dad. I was sad to think that this was gone forever.

This is a logo I did for a USDA-funded project. I did this in Illustrator.

This one was on the cover of a book about Celtic golfing fairies or some such thing. I do love the artwork.

I still have lots of work that I’ve done that I can’t find. I would love to find the cover of the book that I designed for a professor in Florida. It was a best-seller on Florida’s state soil. I did typography for that book, as well. Logos and banners… tons of them.

Do go have a look at all of my Galleries, as I’ve done a ton of updating.

Jodie’s not quite herself today. I don’t know if she got into something, but she’s not eating and is sleeping far more than normal. And we have not even had her groomed yet.