My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

New Photoshop Tutorial: Making a Signature Brush

I’m looking out at our lake though before the 9th green, just outside my window. Big news here is the heat. While we’re not breaking any records, we’re above average this week. Average for Phoenix right now is a staggering 106°! So I’m happy inside.

I did some good work yesterday, writing another tutorial: Making a Signature Brush.

Here’s my capstone image for this tutorial. Love it! I still haven’t worked the code for getting new visitors – or old ones back – to my site. I suppose that, someday, I’ll look back on this post and laugh. I hope so anyway.

Jodie’s back to doing great. We went on our normal walk with her and she did fine. Then she had a little runabout in the backyard with both of us. She loves that so much! Now she’s being my faithful co-worker right by my side napping.

I made this.
My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

Four New Photoshop Tutorials

I’ve been a tutorial-writing fool! I’ve added 4 new ones since my last blog entry: Making a Spiral, Custom Border, Basic Shapes, and Poster Effect. I’ve also joined some Photoshop Groups in Facebook, to get a sense of the climate out there, what’s needed, what’s already there, etc..

Collin in a Warhol poster effect

What I’m learning is that there are many people doing what they call “tutorials,” but which are what I call “show-off videos.” Yawn. And the overwhelming lot of these are doing effects that I was teaching 15 years ago. I wonder if what’s old is new again, or if these people were just not born yet.

Janee’s Bubble Border

There’s still much new that I need to learn and, while I’m at it, write tutorials about! 3D stuff looks intriguing and there are lots of new-to-me things to explore in the menus.

I got to the frustration point with that digital painting I was doing, and have not picked it up in a few days. Maybe today would be a good day to do have a go again.

We took Jodie to be groomed again yesterday and, once again, she was sick today. After we took her to be groomed 6 weeks ago, she got so terribly sick, so I am wondering if it’s something that they did to her, some kind of cleaner that they use on their cages, a treat that they give, or if Jodie is just so used to her serene and placid life here that the stress of the grooming salon is too much for her. Whatever it is, it’s terrible. Jack and I gave her a dose of Pepto Bismol this noon, and she is feeling much better now, at least.

My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

Amazing Gradients New Tutorial!

I’m working on some fun things — Photoshop art and writing! I have posted my third tutorial re-do. I did a little remake of my Amazing Gradients ideas.

Diamond Trail

If this looks like something fun, you’d be right! The tutorial for making this is here.

I continue to learn little bits about WordPress. I have a feeling that, once I get it, I’ll be unstoppable, but for now, LOL, I’m feeling quite stoppable!

I’ve joined a WordPress group on Facebook, and they seem to have answers, as well as many, many members, so we’ll see how that goes. Ok now I’m going to set out to learn some new Photoshop technique so I can write a new tutorial. 🙂