My Day

All New Gallery of Galleries

Today I worked very hard! I had a listing of galleries from long ago, and, while some of these artists are still doing their thing, many have moved on to other pursuits, or moved their website someplace else! So I went to all of those old links and looked around.

Many were still stuck in 2005 and had not been updated since. Yawn. So I found some more good galleries and I put together a lovely new Gallery of Galleries page. This one is far better than my generic listing and commentary. This is a listing with images! Have a look at my new Gallery of Galleries.

If you have a gallery that you feel is worthy of my consideration for inclusion here, please shoot me an email at the address at the bottom of this page (on the Sticky Note!)

I did no art today at all; just spent the day doing that Gallery of Galleries page. I do hope you’ll have a look!

In other news, Jodie is seeming to do a little better. I gave her Pepto Bismol after her breakfast remained uneaten. If there’s anything more pathetic than a sick dog, maybe it’s a sick man.