General News My Day Travel Tales

All of the M states are posted!

Well, with the exception of Maryland, whose capitol we have not visited yet. We should have done it last summer, but then my pictures would have not been here anyway, since they would be lost along with that camera. <sigh>

Anyway, today I posted Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, and Nevada. This leaves me with just 9 states for which I have photos to post. There are still 8 states in which we need to visit statehouses. Hawaii is one of them and I do not envision myself getting onto a plane anytime soon.

So I’m starting to look forward to the next project.

Jodie got groomed yesterday! This was a big deal, because she’s been losing puppy down and it mats like crazy. I opted for sanity over vanity for this groom, so she’s sort of stupidly short right now, but we are getting to know the new Jodie. I had been trying to keep the mats under control, but it was a losing battle.

The people at the grooming salon assured me that I was not a bad poodle mom, but that the puppy hair is just impossible to keep long, as her topknot was. So, after struggling with those topknot mats for over 8 weeks, I feel so relieved now. I love this dog so much!