My Day

All new Photoshop Art: Geometrics Gallery Revealed!

I was busy yesterday! I did some new art and I posted a new Geometrics Gallery! This piece is reminiscent of one I did for the cover of Photoshop Elements Most Wanted in 2002.

I’m eager to be useful. I want people to discover my work and to see that I offer good instruction that will make them into real Photoshop artists.

Mostly I want people to be able to learn Photoshop, instead of just watching other people do it. Sure, many people enjoy those cooking shows, where you watch other people cook. But, if you really want to make something, you’re searching online for a written recipe, or you’re going to your cookbook collection.

Which brings me to another complaint I have about the ubiquitous youtube tutorials: Many are just a recipe for some effect. The goal is the effect and not in teaching anything outside of that particular effect. Whine. LOL.

Today I did some more site tidying. I have been working on my Photoshop Resource Links, getting rid of dead stuff and adding new good links. I’m also working toward getting all of this stuff onto the WordPress arm of my site.

And, of course, I did some more Jodie-art!