My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

I got Camtasia! Is it contagious?

Can Janee-video-tutorials be far behind? The very cool thing is that TechSmith actually remembered me from 14 years ago! If you search YouTube for myjanee, you can still see the 4 short tutorial clips I made back in ’06. I just have to get over this sort of shyness that I seem to have now.

I have Camtasia installed, my headset installed, my Photoshop open, and I’m ready to do a test video. And I’m nervous….

And, it turns out, with good reason! You know how sometimes you have a day when nothing works on the first try? Well, I’m having one of those. And Camtasia is not working for me yet. I am thinking that it’s my version that’s very old and I have to buy the upgrade. Trying to get answers on the forums…. ugh.

This comes after I spent an hour on the phone trying to get hold of the AZ DMV about a registration refund. Finally a most helpful woman got me taken care of, so that worked. Well, maybe I’ll try that upgrade and see if I can make it work.

Grrrr…. and, in yet another chapter of “Golly, nothing is working today,” I updated Camtasia, made what seems like an ok video, and… can’t get it to upload to YouTube.

Ok, I finally made it work! Woo hoo! Time to quit! But here’s the link with the two videos embedded! Copying a Logo in Photoshop