My Day

New site updates: viewers are amazed!

I’m using WordPress’ new Headline Analyzer. It scores a blog post’s headline based on how exciting it sounds, word count, and other nebulous factors. Today’s headline scores an impressive 74!

I did a lot of work yesterday on my Photoshop Resource Links. I’m updating and surfing about, looking for more relevant and fun links. I added a whole new page yesterday — Art Links. I’ve also put in an all-new Photo Sharing Communities page.

I also have posted my all-new Art Shots page in my Gallery. While I don’t think of myself as a photographer, I do like taking fun shots just for the art of it. Have a look!

I also found out how to better work my Wacom tablet. It was in a a weird situation where I could draw fine and I could click things, but I couldn’t drag. It just didn’t work.

So what I did was to go to the Wacom Tablet Properties under Mapping, and uncheck “Use Windows Ink.” Now it works perfectly! Thank you Dave Cross for that little tidbit!