General News My Day Travel Tales

North Dakota and New Mexico added!

Our country is so beautiful and there’s so much art and architecture to see. Today I worked on New Mexico and North Dakota, getting their capitol pages both published. Go look at all of these. I have some nice pics in there.

Here are a couple. The white flowers are ones I spied in Santa Fe. The Great Seal is in Bismark, North Dakota.

It just occurs to me that I put New Mexico’s capital city as Albuquerque. I will go and change that.

So I mentioned that Jodie had a haircut. Here she is! The poodle people in my group all say that poodles shed their puppy coat about this age (10-11 months) and then it just mats.

So she’s happier now, and so am I! And her topknot will grow out. I’m going to keep it far shorter than the 3.5″ she had been sporting. Ugh.