My Day

Setting Out on New Photoshop Missions

I’ve always pretty much marched to the beat of my own drum. I’ve gone my own way. Sometimes I think that I’m far ahead of the curve, and, often, that has turned out to be the case.

Back in the early aughts, I compiled an amazing listing of Photoshop Resources. And, as part of this, I maintained a listing of Photoshop Resource Links. I’ve kept these online, though, in the ensuing years, many of the outside sources to which I’d linked had fallen by the wayside. Very few, actually have survived all of the years. I’m sure that the website proprietors have pursued other interests.

And now that we are into the 20’s, I find that I need to add to my sources! I am going to begin that in earnest soon.

In looking through my site, I have sometimes run down a rabbit hole that has taken me somewhere fascinating. Much of the work I did in the aughts I’d forgotten all about. One of these is my Photoshop Tips from the Newsgroups.

This is an enormous indexed list of questions about many Photoshop topics, as answered by the experts who haunted the newsgroups of which I was a part. These newsgroups were my teachers. And, as I learned, I became a teacher there too.

It was in a newsgroup where I was “discovered” by the people at Friends of Ed, who published the books I helped to author, leading to the magazine columns. The newsgroups were where I found the people who worked alongside me in my Art Challenge.

But Newsgroups are not even a thing now. I have yet to discover where my Photoshop people are hanging out these days. If it’s Facebook, it’s in a group that I have yet to discover. I will find them. I will assemble them. And we will set forth on new Photoshop missions!