My Day

Working to Change My Life

Ok, so I’ve had a few small successes! I’ve figured out how to make a new page, customize the header and footer for all my pages, change fonts, make links, make blog postings, and add pictures. I even linked my new site to my old site, with an Archives link.


So here we are at the end of May in 2020 and what’s going on? Any student of history knows that this is the season of the Covid-19 Pandemic! We have been inundated with instructions from health experts and politicians, from futurists and economists, from psychologists and pastors. The handling of this pandemic in the USA has been a real mess.

Jack and I are living our lives in the manner recommended by infectious disease experts and epidemiologists for people at high risk for bad outcomes from this disease: we are self-isolating. We go out of the house to walk every day. We go to the grocery store or a short list of other stores only as necessary, and, when we do, we wear a cloth mask, sanitize before returning to our car, and then wash our hands upon our return home.

We are not letting anyone into our house, garage, car, etc.. We don’t socialize, except on Facebook, phone, or text. We are eating exclusively at home. We get food at the grocery and cook, or we have, upon rare occasion, gotten takeout.

We’re letting ourselves get a bit shaggy! Jack is bearded now and hasn’t had a haircut in 3 months. I’m looking a bit better, because he’s cutting my hair, and doing a great job!

Our dog groomer is open, thankfully, and offering curbside drop-off and pickup. So Jodie’s looking fine. 😊

We’re doing better than a whole boatload of people. Jack has been busying himself with Covid projects — building stuff. He’s made cabinet organizers for my bathroom, a sweet can organizer for our pantry, a dog treat container with a J on the lid for an opener. For the RV, he did a remake on our RV dog crate that makes it from a dog couch to a crate, made an under-fridge drawer, and built the cutest little convertible tables you ever did see. For his shop, he made a screw organizer, a table for his router, and cleaned and organized from top-to-bottom.

Me? I’ve done more cooking and baking in the past few months than in the past 10 years, I think. I made a bedding system for our new RV. Oh, yeah, we did trade our 15 View in on a 19 View. Different floorplan.

I’ve been doing a walk every day, working on training Jodie, um… playing lots of games on my phone, and keeping up with Facebook and all of my groups. I know, I know. That’s why I’m on here now. I’m working on changing my life.