Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

Text in Photoshop: a fun new tutorial!

I posted a new tutorial yesterday! This is a bigger piece of work than many of my tutorials. This one took the better part of two days to put together. And I learned new things about Photoshop along the way. The new tutorial is called “Text in Photoshop.”

In this tutorial, I cover all the basics of text in Photoshop: sizing, color, font, subscript, special characters. I also go into text on a path and images in text — Postcard Text. Good stuff!

At this point I have 29 all-new-for-2020 tutorials. As far as I know, nobody has found them yet. The index of all of these tutorials can be found at THIS LINK.

Thinking about other things to teach. It seems, from looking at the work put out on the PS groups on Facebook, that many people don’t get the whole look-at-it notion when it comes to creating art. If you want the hat on her head to look real, it must cast shadows. A card propped up on a desk will not have a shadow that looks like a drop shadow. Maybe I’ll look at a way to teach this.