My Day Travel Tales WordPress

Making a mailto link… and other amazing things

Jack and I have discovered that it takes as much work to get going on and re-enter from a small trip as it does for a very long one. The small trip in question is the Show Low jaunt from which we just returned.

We had left to escape the simmering summer heat here, and we were mostly successful. While it was 116 here a couple of the days, it was “only” 95 there, and that’s a 24 degree difference! But it still felt hot.

We had lots of fun, mostly with Jodie at the Dog Park at Venture Inn, the RV Resort. She behaved very nicely with all of the other dogs, and they all seemed to like her. There was a big cottonwood tree right in the middle of the park and everyone sat in chairs and talked, as we watched the dogs play.

We learned some things, as one hopes to do, when one is on one’s maiden voyage in a new RV. We learned that we are happiest when we have a spatula and a serving spoon, but that we won’t die without them.

Even with both of us showering twice and doing dishes daily and no bathhouse available, we still only used 1/3 of the graywater tank and 2/3 of the black water in a full week. We have both gotten pretty good at conserving water!

And the recliners that are standard with the Winnebago View V are really not good. The springs are not adequate to hold the position when you try to actually recline. Buzz. We may be seeking new recliners. Jack got us new springs, but they are not easy to install, so we will wait till it’s less than 400 degrees to try the project again.

We made Reflectix covers for all of the windows. That stuff, which looks like shiny silver bubble wrap, is great for keeping the heat outdoors and the cool indoors. Except when it’s cold! Then they keep the cold out very well.

Today I did a little more touching up on my site. I updated my Contact Janee page, and figured out how to do a mailto link in WordPress:

  • Highlight the part that you want to be hyperlinked.
  • Click the link button at the top.
  • In the URL section type Mailto:?Subject=Tutorial Question (or whatever you want the Subject line to read.)
  • Click Enter.

I did a few cosmetic changes to my Dog Portrait tutorial.

And I looked at some long-forgotten, long-hidden, probably for the best, pages on my site. I wonder, really, how many pages and how many files I do have. At one time, I had over 25,000 files. I’m quite sure I have many more than that now.

Here’s one of the pictures I found, for example. This was one of my early site interfaces. I always thought it was kinda pretty, although, looking at it now, the lighting on me should have been different.

Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

Create a Zoom Trail in Photoshop

I have just posted another NEW Tutorial! This one is on creating a Zoom Trail in Photoshop. This is a modern improvement on a piece I wrote for a book I co-authored in 2002. was a book that had barely made its first run off the press when the publisher went out of business. I got paid, but, other than the author copies and a few others, I don’t think that it ever saw the light of day. Shame, because there’s some good stuff in there. I have reproduced some of my other effects from the book in my tutorials like Burned Paper, Hot Hammered Text, Swoosh Text, and Wood.

I’m also working laboriously on updating my extensive Photoshop Resource Links. At one time, this was an invaluable source of Photoshop information, but people move on, give up their sites, new sites come online, new media appear out of nowhere, and pages like mine go out of date. But I’m fixing it.

If you’re reading this and you have a *relevant* site that you’d like for me to consider adding to my listing, please email me. I do not do reciprocal links, but rather curate my list so that the links are of interest to my readers.