My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

New Video Tutorial: Pearly Button

I just finished and uploaded another video tutorial: Creating a Pearly Button in Photoshop. I’m still working on fine-tuning, and there’s still much to be learned about the inner workings of Camtasia, but I’ll get there.

I also figured out how to upload to YouTube. Most people are searching YouTube for tutorials, so it’s where all the cool people are these days.

I did a bit of art!

It remains idiotically hot here. If I ever say anything like “I’d like to stay in Sun Lakes this summer,” I want you to just shoot me.

My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

New Arvee

Today we went up to Anthem RV to take some measurements and see what we could DO to the new RV. You didn’t think that we’d take it just “as is,” did you? We are just going to do some little things for now, like adding soap dispensers and changing out the faucets. Janee always has to change out the faucets.

We also drove it! I started by nearly landing us in the drainage ditch on the way out of the parking lot! Sheesh. I don’t believe that this one will be as terrifying as the last pusher I had was — the ’06 Holiday Rambler Ambassador. This one actually has a turning radius. We turned it around in 4 lanes.

Sigh. I feel like I want to do some work, but I’m just tired today. Wanna see my videos I made yesterday?

Placing Anchor points around to create a path
Editing the path to better fit the logo

Ok so now I’m on fire! I just uploaded a whole tutorial: Basic Shapes 1. It’s now online for your viewing pleasure. Click the beautiful graphic to the right to see my new video!

Basic Shapes
My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

I got Camtasia! Is it contagious?

Can Janee-video-tutorials be far behind? The very cool thing is that TechSmith actually remembered me from 14 years ago! If you search YouTube for myjanee, you can still see the 4 short tutorial clips I made back in ’06. I just have to get over this sort of shyness that I seem to have now.

I have Camtasia installed, my headset installed, my Photoshop open, and I’m ready to do a test video. And I’m nervous….

And, it turns out, with good reason! You know how sometimes you have a day when nothing works on the first try? Well, I’m having one of those. And Camtasia is not working for me yet. I am thinking that it’s my version that’s very old and I have to buy the upgrade. Trying to get answers on the forums…. ugh.

This comes after I spent an hour on the phone trying to get hold of the AZ DMV about a registration refund. Finally a most helpful woman got me taken care of, so that worked. Well, maybe I’ll try that upgrade and see if I can make it work.

Grrrr…. and, in yet another chapter of “Golly, nothing is working today,” I updated Camtasia, made what seems like an ok video, and… can’t get it to upload to YouTube.

Ok, I finally made it work! Woo hoo! Time to quit! But here’s the link with the two videos embedded! Copying a Logo in Photoshop