My Day

New YouTube Artwork

Today I did some touchups of my site, fixing some dead links and nosing around some old dead parts of my site. It seems that my site has so many rabbit holes into which I am prone to fall!

Today I read all of my class descriptions and procedures. I will do things a little bit differently next time, but it’s mostly good. I reread the comments that I’d posted from my students about the classes and it made me eager to get in and teach again.

I did some art! This was for my YouTube banner. They say how large to make the art and in what aspect ratio, so it sounds easy. I made my file, created my art, and uploaded it.

Too big. Nothing showed except the very center. So I found another dimension in another place. Too small. So I moved things around so that I thought it might work, and it seems to work. Above is the way I wanted the image to be.

Below is how it is, except that they chop off most of it, so all you get is just barely above the text and not down to the purple line. Oh well.