My Day

Assorted Doings

Yesterday Jack and I went to the Home Show up at State Farm Stadium! Woo hoo! I’ve never seen so many people with improperly worn masks… ever! For those of you looking at this site through the Wayback Machine, wondering how one can “improperly” wear a mask, I mean wearing it so that one’s nose is sticking out over it.

We escaped without signing up for anything and without buying anything! We did get some good info regarding possible future projects.

For one, we’re looking into how to make our TV work in the RV. We have Dish installed in it, but we have to activate it to make it work. Since we have DirecTV at home, I’m thinking that our best option will be to switch to Dish at home and then activate the “outdoor” thing for Dish in the RV.

The other thing that we’re thinking about thinking about is our backyard landscaping. Jack wants an outdoor kitchen and I think that it would be a good thing. Before we start building that (and the pergola to go over the top of it), I want to draw up a landscaping plan for the yard, including all of the existing hardscaping and all of the permanent landscape elements — like the palm trees.

Jodie is finally back to herself after her protracted recovery from her spay. For the past 5 days, she’s gone on our “walka-walka” with us, much to her delight. That lump that I thought was a hernia has mostly resolved and her incisions look great.

Last week we took the RV out to get it fueled up and take some measurements. I’m working on a curtain arrangement that will keep the cold air from our chassis air up front when we’re traveling.

I’ve just about given up on the idea of getting famous in Photoshop easily, like I did before. The days of announcing that you are here, and people flocking to you, wanting to learn from you, wanting you to write for their magazine, wanting chapters for their books, are over, I am afraid.

I haven’t been able to gauge any interest in such a thing as the Art Challenge that I once did, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not there; I just haven’t found it.

I’m down more pounds. I started at 157.8 on 10/6 and today, 3/6, I’m 140.0. Maybe I should start a Facebook group on “Losing the last 15 lbs and keeping it off.” I’m sure that’s something that will never go out of style!