General News My Day Travel Tales

Ready to update

I’m back! Again! LOL! My next short-term goal is to get our 2021 journey photos posted. This was a 6-month trip with 3 distinct parts: Pre-Pearland, Pearland, and Post-Pearland. Actually, I’ll probably be doing it by months, since that usually works pretty well. And this is done now – 3/3/22. Check it out!

Another goal is to compile pictures of Jodie’s 2nd year. Here’s her first year.

And I want to update our State Capitols pages. We got to visit 4 more this summer — Alabama, West Virginia, Ohio, and Wyoming. We had visited Wyoming’s capitol before, but that was just an exterior visit, because they were doing remodeling of the building. This time, we got to go inside, too! And now, 3/3/22, I have all of the capitols updated.