My Day

Working on some art

This is from January 22.

Just in case I figure out how to do an Art Challenge, I’m working on some art. So far I have two pieces — one in All Original Pixels and one in Manipulated Photos.

Jack had an accident with his saw yesterday, giving himself a pretty serious cut on the end of his right index. I made him go to Urgent Care and they gave him 5 stitches to close it up. He also had a tetanus shot. He’s making out like it’s no big deal, but it’s got to hurt!

I’ve been having some fun with my puzzles of late! It’s fun to have them where I can see them and easily take one out to work it. Jack was working on a stand for one of my puzzles when he cut his finger.

Jack’s first Covid shot is Monday. I have no idea when mine will happen. I am not in the next group (65-75) and so I’m thinking March, at the earliest. There’s a shortage of vaccine now, they say.