General News My Day


I’m thinking more about my brand today. I’m thinking about SEO and how such a thing wasn’t a thing back when I started all of this. “Branding” was sort of a thing, but we didn’t call it that. I’m thinking about how “draw” and “onward” have the same last 4 letters, only reversed. Wondering what I could do with that?

I’m remembering how I got it all started back in 2001 with my first Art Challenges. They were held on my site, so that got people there and looking around. Many stuck around for the tutorials. Some stuck around for my classes. And that went on for more than 5 years.

So ok, let’s do an Art Challenge. There are others out there doing stuff like art challenges, but they’re not me, so there’s that. Ok so where and how? I’ll bet I could craft a way to do it in Facebook. Or Instagram.

All that Glitters: Gold Text Effect

Whew! Just climbed out of that rabbit hole. There’s a ton to learn about Instagram and hashtags and such. It turns out that I was in hiding for an unfortunate time period, when a LOT changed, and I have a LOT to learn. Thankfully, I’m young.