Computers Janee's Galleries My Day

Hidden Treasures Found!

Today, I’m engaged in unpleasant tedium, but I am, in the process, uncovering hidden treasures! I’m trying to get a grip on all of my photos — to get them all organized in one place. Ah, for the days of the shoebox!

At least, I’m organized by date. Now if I could just get all of the decades together in one place. I just found out that my old Windows 7 laptop still has 4 years of photos which had not gotten put into Dropbox. And it’s not letting them go directly into Dropbox, although I don’t know why.

So I’m transferring them via thumb drive. And that drive’s not big enough, so find a bigger one. And that one’s full of old stuff so format it. … Soon I’ll have all of my pix from 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2016 in this computer.

I never thought it would be a cakewalk to get back into this after my -pause- . I just have to stay the course, praise myself for my progress, and realize that .. I’m still young.

In other news, I completed a new collection for Janee’s Gallery: Industrial Plum. Check it out!

General News Travel Tales

So Much Amazing Art!

That’s what I’m seeing when I review, edit, and post my State Capitol pictures!

This piece of carving was at the Capitol in Lansing, Michigan. Each of the capitols has interesting architecture, beautiful artwork, and sometimes quite over-the-top gilding. But it’s all fun to photograph. I do hope that someday someone will look at these.

We’re still pondering what to do with our lighting in our media room, which is actually just the part of our great room where we watch tv. My original shelf concept was nixed because it conflicts with the height of our arched doorway.

I know, why do we even HAVE an arched doorway? Historical value. I want the archaeologists of the future to have a time with it. They will certainly think that it has some religious significance.

So now I’m thinking about a shelf that stops short of the arched doorway enough that it doesn’t call attention to the doorway, but rather is an architectural feature in its own right.

Someday, when all of this industrial stuff is hopelessly out of style and only old people have it, well.. I’ll be old. And I’ll love it just like today’s old people like the rounded oak furniture of the 80’s.

My Day

My New Interface

As soon as I figure out how to make it clickable, this will be my new website interface! All original pixels. I’m going to reorient it, though, so that it’s taller than wide. Or… I wonder if I can have a different one for people viewing on their mobiles. Hmmmm…