General News Janee's Galleries My Day

Oh, just go and have a look!

I got Jodie’s Story published and I invite you to go and have a look! It’s linked back to my Family Photo Album, which has a new look as well. In Jodie’s Story, I’ve posted pics of her from her earliest days, her first days with us, activities she’s done with us, and just plain cuteness!

I’ve made more progress on the Janee’s Interiors page. There’s more to do on that. My goal is to get all of the before pics up (mostly done), the during pics posted, the “afters” posted, and then what new things I’ve done lately.

For 2020, this includes our Covid projects: things that we got done because we didn’t spend the time or money traveling this year.

Above is the 2020 arrangement of our Great Room. The sectional in the bottom third of the room is new, we’ve gotten rid of the cupboard and the rust recliner is going to get new life in the bedroom. Jack’s building a new TV stand with a swivel for the TV and display storage.

The top third of the room is another conversation area with our couch, plum recliners, and the little swivel club chair.

The middle area with the circle is our dining/puzzle table. The circle is the round rug on which this furniture lives.

All of the furniture is in place, with the exception of the TV stand which is being built right now. The lighting in the sectional/TV area is very different, very new, and just perfect for us. We will move our ceiling fan from what is now our dining room over to above the TV area. And we will need to reinstall our dining room fixture above the dining room.

I’m also beginning to think about lighting for the conversation area with the couch. We have a kind of arc lamp which we really like, but I’m not sure that it will give us enough light. The interior design class I had spoke very little about lighting.

I really should study lighting more. While I love what we have in the other areas, I just don’t know what to do about the living room.

Computers Janee's Galleries My Day

Hidden Treasures Found!

Today, I’m engaged in unpleasant tedium, but I am, in the process, uncovering hidden treasures! I’m trying to get a grip on all of my photos — to get them all organized in one place. Ah, for the days of the shoebox!

At least, I’m organized by date. Now if I could just get all of the decades together in one place. I just found out that my old Windows 7 laptop still has 4 years of photos which had not gotten put into Dropbox. And it’s not letting them go directly into Dropbox, although I don’t know why.

So I’m transferring them via thumb drive. And that drive’s not big enough, so find a bigger one. And that one’s full of old stuff so format it. … Soon I’ll have all of my pix from 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2016 in this computer.

I never thought it would be a cakewalk to get back into this after my -pause- . I just have to stay the course, praise myself for my progress, and realize that .. I’m still young.

In other news, I completed a new collection for Janee’s Gallery: Industrial Plum. Check it out!

General News Janee's Galleries My Day Travel Tales

Travel Tales work, art, and interiors

Yeah! I’ve been a busy girl. I’ve done a bit of art, which you may review on my Text Effects page of my Gallery. I completed my Travel Tales pages for the 2019 epic journey eastward.

I’ve also made a beginning on my Interiors page. This takes you from the “before” pictures to the “after” pictures at some of the places for which I’ve done interior design work.

I still have not made any headway toward getting another Art Challenge going.

Work on the TV Stand is going great. I’m seeing completion on that within… a week, maybe? We are both horrible at estimating completion times.

I’m going to be posting pics of the new room and my new bedroom, too, after we have it all done, picked up, and cleaned up. You don’t want to see it now.

General News Janee's Galleries My Day

Cool Text Effects: Gallery Updates

Yeah! I got away from the seemingly endless photo-editing today and did some fun graphics. Here’s my Text Effects Gallery. Today I did The Spatter ones, the Comb and Drip, and TTYL. I did Comb and Drip by modifying the Type Path. I did the others with clipping groups and Lighting Effects.

Part of my struggle with this was in coming to grips with changes in the Lighting Effects “filter” in Photoshop. It just doesn’t seem as easy as it once was, and it likely isn’t. More powerful = more complicated = steeper learning curve.

What I should do pretty soon is to do a nice tutorial on using Lighting Effects to make cool Text Effects.

The TV room project is coming along again. Jack’s in there hammering right now, starting work on the 10′ piece that will be our TV stand / puzzle display case. I’m pretty excited to see all of this coming together.

General News Janee's Galleries My Day Travel Tales

Many miles traveled; Milestone Reached!

Yeah! I’ve gotten as far as I can get with the State Capitol project for now. All of the states for which I have photos are posted. There are still two states for which Jack has photos and I do not — Indiana and Wisconsin, since I accidentally formatted my card before getting the pix off. (Bad idea. Don’t do that.)

And there are still 8 states for which we have not been to the capitol. I hope you will go there and look at my pics and that you like one or two of them! I still can’t believe how much work I’ve gotten done through this spring and summer.

Now I can get into some less mundane work. I know, what could possibly be more exciting than editing 1500 or so pictures and getting them saved for the web and posted on each of these 42 pages, right?

Janee's Galleries My Day Photoshop Travel Tales

New Artwork! New Links! Still zero visitors!

LOL that headline got a score of 74/100. Today I did some more art! And I finished up with my Archive Tutorial updating project! If you should happen to be reading this, should happen to go to my Archive Tutorials and find a link that needs to be fixed, please use the Contact Janee link above to find me and tell me.

So in my updating, I am reminded of what an amazing body of work lies in my tutorials. Not only did I work very hard on them, but they are quite good! Of course, a few things have changed while I was away, but just a few.

So here’s the image that I’m about to post in my Text Effects gallery. I can’t even link to it, because it’s not even a page yet!

Hey! We finally got an estimate for our RV’s boo-boo. The cheap fix, which leaves out the minor scratches on the side, which we figure we would do in the first year from tree branches anyway, and the back storage door, is north of $6500. The good-to-go ready-to-put-on-the-sales-lot estimate is north of 11,000.

The good news is that State Farm will not be re-rating us for this, since we have been such amazing accident-free and reliable-pay customers for … nearly 40 years. So now I have to figure out which way to go. Maybe I’ll ask on Facebook. Those folks seem to know everything. And I did. The consensus is to go on and have the whole thing fixed. An insurance guy said that it doesn’t matter to the insurance co if it’s 6500 or 11000 – a claim is a claim!

Janee's Galleries My Day Travel Tales

New Celtic Knot Artwork on Display

I usually like to swallow the toad early in the day, but today, I began by doing the fun stuff. Then I swallowed some toads this afternoon.

What fun? I got into a few more Celtic knot adventures, and came up with an original! This one represents Janee, Jack, and Jodie, all of our hearts interwoven and bound together with a ring of love. Ok, all together now: AWWWW!

This afternoon, I did some work with updating my Archive tutorials. I know I was going to just leave the archived ones un-updated, but I just couldn’t stand having dead links in them.

I got as far as Pen 2, which means that I got into the HTML and edited EIGHT of these today.

The other toad I swallowed was this: I set up the recurring payments for the RV, so it won’t be repossessed before it gets out of the shop. :/ I know that someday I’ll look back on this and think, “Was there some reason that we didn’t just go off on a trip in 2020 — the hottest summer EVER in Phoenix?
What stopped us?”