My Day Travel Tales

I’ll be home for Christmas

…and I hope you will be too! We are trying hard to keep away from this virus which has filled our hospitals to near capacity, ended too many lives, and wrecked so many more. We are so fortunate in that we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from or whether we’ll be evicted for non-payment of rent.

I’ve been kinda blah. I guess it’s depression rearing its ugly wintertime head. I’ve decided to up my anti-depressant.

The TV cabinet is glorious. I have good storage for my puzzles and games. We have even played some games! And I’ve put together a few puzzles, some of which have eluded me till now. The TV now swivels brilliantly from being visible in the TV room to being visible from the kitchen/dining areas. Yeah, I know. Still no pictures.

And I’m still searching my soul for relevance. I know that I’m an unlit fuse just ready to be fired up so I can serve a great purpose. Well, ok, that was a bit dramatic.

Jack had his pacemaker replaced on Monday. It served him well for 8 years, and this one should last as long.

The RV is doing OK, though it’s still in the shop. It’s being painted now, so… I am thinking that it’s getting close to being in our custody once more.

“They” — the health officials in Arizona — are saying “spring” for us to have our vaccines for Covid. And then we have to have 2 of them, 3 weeks apart.

We had hoped for a get-away date around mid-April, but we will await our vaccinations before we travel out of the state. Even then, I’m thinking that we’ll still be observing all the same rules about masking and distancing. Sooo, we may be mailing you that graduation gift, Matthew.

General News My Day Travel Tales

Some new states, goals and some adulting

Today I posted the pics for North Carolina and Oklahoma — pics I shot in 2010 and 2011. I’m so PROUD of myself for finally, after all of this time, getting these pics into the light of day.

This website revival has been such an epic task and I really didn’t know if I was ever going to be able to discipline myself enough to a) learn the technology and b) just knuckle down and do it all. So yay, me!

I still have goals, even after the States are all posted. I now have a web cam and a mic and headset, so I can set out to learn how to do video tutorials. So many people are vlogging; how hard can it be? I do know that I need to get a haircut before I put myself on camera.

I was trying to get caught up today, because I’ve been off doing adult stuff. Two check-up doctors’ appointments, the dentist, the dog groomer, laundry, yeah, adult stuff all!

Here’s Jodie after her drastic grooming. I’m really loving this cut! We’ll let her topknot grow out a bit, after her puppy hair is all gone, but yeah. Loving this.

Poodle Nose!
Jodie after the drastic grooming
General News My Day Travel Tales

Kentucky is a Commonwealth, not a State!

Yes, I’ll bet you knew that. And so is Virginia. I will leave it to the curious among you to find out the differences between a Commonwealth and a State. Kentucky is now posted! And yesterday, I posted Jack’s pics of Georgia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

I’m making headway! As of today, I have 19 of the state capitol pages published. Yay, me! Here’s the link to this project.

I did some adulting yesterday! I had my teeth cleaned, which is, aside from a few trips to Walmart, the most dangerous thing I’ve done, with regards to Covid-19.

I also made an appointment to get Jodie groomed. She’s so tangled and matted that I’m feeling like a terrible dog mom. I don’t know why her topknot gets so matted. Drives me crazy and I just simply cannot comb the mats out without both of us crying.

I still have not gotten brave enough to get my own hair cut.

We’re working a little more on our new living room. I’m setting up a lighting system that I really hope is the answer to our lighting issues. I want lights we can read by, turn off when we are not needing them, and which look great. I want a bit of a repeat of the island lighting fixture with the gas pipe and lights hanging off of it.

My Day WordPress

Some amazing tutorials found!

Not that they were lost, but I’ve been working on updating my Archive Tutorials so that their links all work. It’s a bigger job than it sounds like, because I have many, many tutorial pages and the ones of which I speak are all in HTML. Soooo bleah. HTML coding, copy-pasting, over and over.

I’m within spitting distance of finishing this project, though, so I can once again be proud of this amazing body of work — my Archive Tutorials! While these are not linked directly to this blog, you can get back here from the main header menu — any of those links — and then the menu at the upper right. I’m still working on navigation.

And, in other adulting news, Jack and I went to get our flu shots and shingles: part II shots today. Woo hoo! I was so happy to get that done that I came home and had two of Jack’s chocolate chip, coconut cookies with peanut butter spread on them, and a big glass of milk. So much for adulting, then, right?

My Day

Adulting… and making red balls

Yeah! This is something I didn’t even know I had, let alone needed to upgrade! I got an email from Bluehost, telling me I needed to upgrade my php, which was seriously outdated. And it said I needed to backup my site first.

Well, I had thought all along that my site was somehow backing itself up, so, for the last 13 years, I was going without any backups!

On advice from my WPBeginners people, I uploaded Updraft, a free backup utility plugin for WordPress and it worked right away. Woo hoo! I feel like such an adult.

Then I followed Bluehost’s clear instructive tutorial and upgraded my php. I felt like I’d done enough for the day, so I’ve been just arguing in Facebook comments. LOL. I did a small amount of Photoshop play and came up with these red balls.