My Day Travel Tales

I’ll be home for Christmas

…and I hope you will be too! We are trying hard to keep away from this virus which has filled our hospitals to near capacity, ended too many lives, and wrecked so many more. We are so fortunate in that we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from or whether we’ll be evicted for non-payment of rent.

I’ve been kinda blah. I guess it’s depression rearing its ugly wintertime head. I’ve decided to up my anti-depressant.

The TV cabinet is glorious. I have good storage for my puzzles and games. We have even played some games! And I’ve put together a few puzzles, some of which have eluded me till now. The TV now swivels brilliantly from being visible in the TV room to being visible from the kitchen/dining areas. Yeah, I know. Still no pictures.

And I’m still searching my soul for relevance. I know that I’m an unlit fuse just ready to be fired up so I can serve a great purpose. Well, ok, that was a bit dramatic.

Jack had his pacemaker replaced on Monday. It served him well for 8 years, and this one should last as long.

The RV is doing OK, though it’s still in the shop. It’s being painted now, so… I am thinking that it’s getting close to being in our custody once more.

“They” — the health officials in Arizona — are saying “spring” for us to have our vaccines for Covid. And then we have to have 2 of them, 3 weeks apart.

We had hoped for a get-away date around mid-April, but we will await our vaccinations before we travel out of the state. Even then, I’m thinking that we’ll still be observing all the same rules about masking and distancing. Sooo, we may be mailing you that graduation gift, Matthew.

My Day

Tired of being tired

Yeah, I know everyone is. I’m tired of staying home all the time, with no hopes of ever getting away. I’m tired of eating at home all the time. I’m tired of not being able to see our friends. I’m tired of not being able to travel to see our family. And I’m tired of moaning about simple things like this, when there are so many people actually suffering with this virus.

My Before photo

So today, I’m actually working on some art in Photoshop! Woo hoo! I don’t know yet if I’ll stick with it; sometimes I get into one of these photorealism challenges and just quit before it gets to be anything good.

I’m tickled that my site interface works. And I’m excited about the prospect of inviting people to come and see it and my site. Before that happens, I’d like to have some real progress on my tutorials and my Tutorial Index page. And before that, I need to peruse the FB PS groups and see what sort of things people even need help with these days!

We walked almost 3 miles with Jodie today! We went over to the Palo Verde Clubhouse and then down Michigan to Basha’s, where Jack went in and got us apple fritters. 🙂

Jodie has gotten much better with walking with us. When we first started with her, right after we got back from Death Valley, near the first of February, she was just 4 months old, and she really hated walking. She’d go fine for about 5 minutes, and then stop and sit in the road. Treats wouldn’t keep her motivated. Ugh. So we just decided to let her alone for a time.

A month later we took her out again and, this time, she started to limp, as if her right shoulder were sore. So, after some days of just letting her rest, I started taking her out, with her Gentle Leader, for very short walks – 5-7 minutes. Afterwards, I’d bring her home, crate her, and Jack and I would go do our 30-minute walk. Eventually, we worked her up to a full 30 minutes, and we’ve been doing that for about a month. And now she loves it! Her tail is up and wagging, and she alerts on every rabbit, bird, and dog!