General News My Day Travel Tales

Kentucky is a Commonwealth, not a State!

Yes, I’ll bet you knew that. And so is Virginia. I will leave it to the curious among you to find out the differences between a Commonwealth and a State. Kentucky is now posted! And yesterday, I posted Jack’s pics of Georgia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

I’m making headway! As of today, I have 19 of the state capitol pages published. Yay, me! Here’s the link to this project.

I did some adulting yesterday! I had my teeth cleaned, which is, aside from a few trips to Walmart, the most dangerous thing I’ve done, with regards to Covid-19.

I also made an appointment to get Jodie groomed. She’s so tangled and matted that I’m feeling like a terrible dog mom. I don’t know why her topknot gets so matted. Drives me crazy and I just simply cannot comb the mats out without both of us crying.

I still have not gotten brave enough to get my own hair cut.

We’re working a little more on our new living room. I’m setting up a lighting system that I really hope is the answer to our lighting issues. I want lights we can read by, turn off when we are not needing them, and which look great. I want a bit of a repeat of the island lighting fixture with the gas pipe and lights hanging off of it.

My Day Photoshop Tutorial Announcement

Stunning Colored Pencil Effect in Photoshop

I know! You were wondering if you could use Photoshop (or Elements) to make a photo look like it was drawn with colored pencil, right? Well, have I got a tutorial for you!


It’s HERE and it’s for beginners and YOU, if you want to have some fun playing with photos.


Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year. In PHX, they are expecting 117. Here in Sun Lakes, it’s usually substantially cooler, more like Tucson, or even a degree or two less. I don’t know what the official temp is now, but this morning at 5 am, when we left for our walk, it was already 89.

I came up with another idea for a shirt:

Better a quarantine coif
than a Covid cough!
Stay HOME!

My Day

Tired of being tired

Yeah, I know everyone is. I’m tired of staying home all the time, with no hopes of ever getting away. I’m tired of eating at home all the time. I’m tired of not being able to see our friends. I’m tired of not being able to travel to see our family. And I’m tired of moaning about simple things like this, when there are so many people actually suffering with this virus.

My Before photo

So today, I’m actually working on some art in Photoshop! Woo hoo! I don’t know yet if I’ll stick with it; sometimes I get into one of these photorealism challenges and just quit before it gets to be anything good.

I’m tickled that my site interface works. And I’m excited about the prospect of inviting people to come and see it and my site. Before that happens, I’d like to have some real progress on my tutorials and my Tutorial Index page. And before that, I need to peruse the FB PS groups and see what sort of things people even need help with these days!

We walked almost 3 miles with Jodie today! We went over to the Palo Verde Clubhouse and then down Michigan to Basha’s, where Jack went in and got us apple fritters. 🙂

Jodie has gotten much better with walking with us. When we first started with her, right after we got back from Death Valley, near the first of February, she was just 4 months old, and she really hated walking. She’d go fine for about 5 minutes, and then stop and sit in the road. Treats wouldn’t keep her motivated. Ugh. So we just decided to let her alone for a time.

A month later we took her out again and, this time, she started to limp, as if her right shoulder were sore. So, after some days of just letting her rest, I started taking her out, with her Gentle Leader, for very short walks – 5-7 minutes. Afterwards, I’d bring her home, crate her, and Jack and I would go do our 30-minute walk. Eventually, we worked her up to a full 30 minutes, and we’ve been doing that for about a month. And now she loves it! Her tail is up and wagging, and she alerts on every rabbit, bird, and dog!

My Day

Working to Change My Life

Ok, so I’ve had a few small successes! I’ve figured out how to make a new page, customize the header and footer for all my pages, change fonts, make links, make blog postings, and add pictures. I even linked my new site to my old site, with an Archives link.


So here we are at the end of May in 2020 and what’s going on? Any student of history knows that this is the season of the Covid-19 Pandemic! We have been inundated with instructions from health experts and politicians, from futurists and economists, from psychologists and pastors. The handling of this pandemic in the USA has been a real mess.

Jack and I are living our lives in the manner recommended by infectious disease experts and epidemiologists for people at high risk for bad outcomes from this disease: we are self-isolating. We go out of the house to walk every day. We go to the grocery store or a short list of other stores only as necessary, and, when we do, we wear a cloth mask, sanitize before returning to our car, and then wash our hands upon our return home.

We are not letting anyone into our house, garage, car, etc.. We don’t socialize, except on Facebook, phone, or text. We are eating exclusively at home. We get food at the grocery and cook, or we have, upon rare occasion, gotten takeout.

We’re letting ourselves get a bit shaggy! Jack is bearded now and hasn’t had a haircut in 3 months. I’m looking a bit better, because he’s cutting my hair, and doing a great job!

Our dog groomer is open, thankfully, and offering curbside drop-off and pickup. So Jodie’s looking fine. 😊

We’re doing better than a whole boatload of people. Jack has been busying himself with Covid projects — building stuff. He’s made cabinet organizers for my bathroom, a sweet can organizer for our pantry, a dog treat container with a J on the lid for an opener. For the RV, he did a remake on our RV dog crate that makes it from a dog couch to a crate, made an under-fridge drawer, and built the cutest little convertible tables you ever did see. For his shop, he made a screw organizer, a table for his router, and cleaned and organized from top-to-bottom.

Me? I’ve done more cooking and baking in the past few months than in the past 10 years, I think. I made a bedding system for our new RV. Oh, yeah, we did trade our 15 View in on a 19 View. Different floorplan.

I’ve been doing a walk every day, working on training Jodie, um… playing lots of games on my phone, and keeping up with Facebook and all of my groups. I know, I know. That’s why I’m on here now. I’m working on changing my life.