General News Janee's Galleries My Day

Cool Text Effects: Gallery Updates

Yeah! I got away from the seemingly endless photo-editing today and did some fun graphics. Here’s my Text Effects Gallery. Today I did The Spatter ones, the Comb and Drip, and TTYL. I did Comb and Drip by modifying the Type Path. I did the others with clipping groups and Lighting Effects.

Part of my struggle with this was in coming to grips with changes in the Lighting Effects “filter” in Photoshop. It just doesn’t seem as easy as it once was, and it likely isn’t. More powerful = more complicated = steeper learning curve.

What I should do pretty soon is to do a nice tutorial on using Lighting Effects to make cool Text Effects.

The TV room project is coming along again. Jack’s in there hammering right now, starting work on the 10′ piece that will be our TV stand / puzzle display case. I’m pretty excited to see all of this coming together.

My Day

New Art Galleries Posted! Crowds amazed!

Today I’m working on more site updates. And I’ve made some art! I created a new Gallery page yesterday, and today, the Gradations link is no longer “in progress.” It’s posted! I have some beautiful things up there for your viewing pleasure. Here are but a few:

I’ve also been working at tidying up more of my thousands of untidy HTML pages. I’m working. It’s working. I’m bringing my site up to where it needs to be!

I’m frankly amazing myself with how well I can actually fix HTML. Sometimes I’ll have to repost a page several times, before it works, but usually I get it on the first try!

My Day

Hidden Zodiac Page is found

Not really! But here’s how to do a redirect page in HTML: Paste this onto the page:

<meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”0; url=’'” />

The 0 is how many seconds you want the viewer’s browser to wait before redirecting.

I’ve also done a bunch of site upgrading. I redid my Galleries index!

I now have different categories set out for my artwork and photography to make it all easier to find. And I dug through some art and found some new things to post. And I updated some pages with my new top banner.

I found my hidden Zodiac page. I remembered I had hidden it because people were hotlinking the images.